I decided to try and recall a Christmas memory for everyday of December up until the 25th. A peeping advent calendar of the holiday through the morass that is my grey matter. They will be in no particular order, just what springs forth from my cerebral clouds.
We had a live tree every year until we moved to Florida. The family would bundle up and jump in the car and head off towards the nearest forest. Dad would brandish his hack saw after Mom picked the perfect sized spruce and we'd cut it from the earth, load it on the roof and trundle home. Sometimes if the wind is right in Central Park on a blustery winter day I can smell the freshness of the pine & recall the snap of sap on my fingers.
Later on after we moved to Florida we bought a plastic tree from Sears. It never felt the same as when we hunted down our own Tannenbaum.
Wie treu sind deine Blätter!