Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mad Mad Mystery

While the TomKat divorce spins itself into butter this week I finally found a blip about the demise of a marriage that baffles me!

Elisabeth Moss married Fred Armisen, a kookie match for sure but then Christina Hendricks married Geoffrey Arend...must be something in the water cooler at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce.

When news broke of Elisabeth and Fred splitting I was shocked but more awed about how there wasn't any information as to why?? Not even a sighting of irreconcilable differences.  Just over, kaput annnnnndddd scene. So my heart leapt at this mention in La Daily Musto.

In other celebs-clocking-each-other news, Mad Men's Elisabeth Moss has finally spoken out about her ex, Fred Armisen:

She tells People:

"One of the greatest things I heard someone say about him is, 'He's so great doing impersonations. But the greatest impersonation he does is that of a normal person.'
"To me, that sums it up ...I've never told anyone that. And I don't want to waste any more of my life talking about it."

Case closed.

How weird did it get?? Was he bringing Portlandia home with him at night? Were there bee costumes?? Bubble wrapped guinea pigs in the freezer? I mean don't make me go all Jessica Fletcher on your ass. Give it up!!