in my stillness is a purity all it's own. if I want to compare it to something that you can relate too. Go to your bathroom. Fill the tube. Undress. Get in and submerge yourself into it. Wait. Wait for it. Your ear drums will equalize and suddenly you are still.
You are in a world of your own making and the only thing that betrays it is your need to breath. It will come, as sure as time passes over the face of a grandfather you are not related too.
It's an urge, a surge of need. Our bodies betray us and deny us a prolonged visit in the stillness. As if we are not worthy of it's grace. As if we are genetically flawed.
Breathing air. Our only real constant brings you back to the surface away from the quite, away from our minds ramblings, back into the sound of our lives.
I have few vices, but the one thing I wish would last is the stillness in my tub. A world that doesn't judge, there is no one to tell me I can't, the only thing I live by is the rule that will not be denied, that I must breath.
To break the surface tension, to leave the center of my soul, to take nourishment and remember that I am human. Something I will be until I die.
Still again in a box waiting for a breath that will not come.
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