Monday, July 28, 2008

Mad Men Season 2

Well it’s finally here, my boys and girls of summer are back and swinging it ‘60s style. So in a celebratory romp my Mad Men partner in crime Madeleine Maby joined me at the magic tree house for the last four episodes of Season One and the premiere of Season Two. I made themed hor’dourves saltine crackers with sharp cheddar with a pan fried pepperoni on top. Then for dinner we had steak (bloody of course), twice baked potatoes and sautéed mushrooms washing it all down with Mr. Jack Daniels. When we do it old school we do it right folks.

I love watching TV with someone who, like myself talks back to it in response to what might be happening. Ms. Maby and I need our own MST3K show it would be a smash as long as the 3 of us (Madeleine, Jack & I) were in attendance. Plus with the invention of DVR we could pause and have discussions (aka shots) or rewind to review if from our yammering we missed some tid bit. Trust me tids and bits were missed….

Also, I would like to take this moment to profess my undying love and unrequited yearning for one Miss Joan Holloway. Oh Joanie, if you weren’t so busy screwing the boss, who after two heart attacks left you worried and broken only to returned to work to tell you that, “you’re the best piece of ass I’ve ever had” if that boorish brute didn’t make you want to jump the straight train nothing will. So I must love you from afar, far, far, afar. (She’s the majestic red head in the middle, le sigh)

In true ‘60s fashion Ms. Maby and I about killed the Jack, which resulted in a mild, “gee I don’t wanna go to work today,” thought when my cruel alarm went off. Overcoming I pushed on and now am bright eyed and bushy tailed (a shout out to Beatrix Potter – Happy 142 Bday) as I sit in my cube. This season will surely delve deeper into the mysteries of what’s wrong with our parents and how they got that way. It’s like a time capsule of dysfunction and “oh my god he didn’t just say that!” If you aren’t watching start, the first season is On Demand so get in there and catch up it’s so worth it and you’ll save tons on therapy. Mad Men will do nicely until my Dexter comes back to me….pssst Dex get a move on, I miss you & your bloody fun!

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