This weekend (known as Weds-Thurs Night) was some of the best quality time I have ever spent with the rowdy crew of characters known as Vinnie, Tom, Brian, Roseanne & Myself. Two days and one night in Atlantic City felt like a week’s vacation. Sleeping 3 hours out of 48 wasn’t bad at all, but it caught up with me this morning at 8am. More dehydrated than tired I think, getting up and coming to work this morning was truly an effort. But I wouldn’t trade the fun of Vinnie’s 40th Birthday Party for the world.
Things accomplished in Atlantic City:
~ Won $30 dollars
~ Learned all about Craps, Slot Machines, Black Jack and 3 Card Poker
~ Could have people watched all day. Where do they come from?
~ Ate my weight in Crab Legs and Shrimp at the Buffet!! Thank you Tom!!
~ Taught Vinnie how to shell a shrimp in 2 moves.
~ Rolled like a playa in our suiteass hotel room!! Huzzah HARRAHS!!
View from our Suite!!!
~ Jacuzzi Tubs
Pictures of Vinnie Covered in Bubbles are on the way!!! :-)
~ Got my period…of course!
~ Having smoky treats while getting ice from the machine!
~ Drank beer on a frozen bar!
~ Was wished luck by more people than Michael Phelps
~ Ate my weight in bacon and had the best omelette ever. Thank you Roseanne!
~ Enjoyed Safety Stops both ways!
~ Laughed, bitched, laughed, drove, bitched and laughed some more!!
Things learned on the way home from Atlantic City:
~ Vinnie drives like a man, Tom does not! LOL!
Looking forward to FOXWOODS, next year, god help them hope they are ready!!!