Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Freshly Tossed

I panic on occasion for no apparent reason. Everything went fine last night. I guess I just can't handle not having ALL the control. As a stand up comic I am all things, producer, director, performer, eternal child like pan. So when I have to give over to others with the power I tend to panic. I like things the way I like them, I trust few and respect less. It's a problem. I know. However this enterprise is giving me the opportunity to grow and let go of some of the weight of the world that I put on my own shoulders and trust others with the load.

Now on to the adventure that was last night....

So after my meeting I met up with my friend Shana. We've been seeing NYMF shows together and having a blast. We saw Freshly Tossed, a dance hodge podge that was extremely entertaining and different as they try to work in as much comedy as you can while wearing Capezios.

Some pieces were great and others well, let's just say I don't like clowns who make a living with balls. After the show we joined Shana's friend and her companion for some food, cocktails and chit chat and that is where the night got really interesting.

New people can be a problem for me I usually am very quite and don't speak for a good while until I have ascertained the intentions of said newbies. Shana's friend from Lichtenstein, my first Lichtenstonian! Was a pleasure with charisma and sass, her Renfield partner in WEIRDNESS was another story. A composer, fine, lives in Brooklyn fine, but he had eyes like in those old horror movies where the picture on the wall would seemingly be staring right at you and yet THROUGH you. He was also extremely hairy on his four arms to the point were the hair met at a seam that ran down the length of his arm.

We all enjoyed talking about theater etc...and then moved on to more social topics. When all of a sudden somewhere between Bed Bugs: The Musical and Ward 9 spiders became our focus. He revealed that he had captured a spider and was keeping it as a pet, ok, then he said he said found her a mate and that they had produced an egg sac and now he had 30 odd so baby spiders. Wait for it....when asking how they managed in their cage he said, oh their NOT in a cage. She has a web in the kitchen and that's were they live.

If I was a screaming type of person I would have omitted one of those blood curdling whoppers from the 1970's slasher films. Renfield, who is alive and well and taking care of his master in Brooklyn, was now making me itch. It was all I could do to keep a straight face and be polite. Soon after we got the check and Shana and I thought we had made a clean escape. When we realized Renfield was walking with us to the train. The longest most uncomfortable walk which included discussions about fish eye viscus and other seafood delicacies. We finally lost him at the F train on 6th Avenue. Then we could finally share in our mutually freakedoutness.

Now everyone is special. We all have our "things" but this one is going to make for grand party entertainment for at least a few weeks. Charlotte's Web is one thing but a grown man in Brooklyn harboring a safe haven for god only knows how many 8 legged beasties is more than this city girl can handle. Especially since he feeds them roaches I don't want to even know where he gets those....eeeeck!!!

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