Saturday, September 26, 2009

New British Obsession

I've always been partial to the BBC. In fact I prefer it, the writing is always smarter, wittier, dryer, and frankly NOT censored which is a HUGE plus. In the end America usually ends up nicking off the best stuff and repackaging it for mass consumption. Thank god there is the BBC-America channel, while censored to a degree you still get the flavor and intent of the original version before it's been sterilized by the puritanical FCC. If you worry about thick accents, never fear they use subtitles to decipher the worst of my newest obsessions broken English.

My find is called Skins. This show makes Gossip Girl look like Little House on the Prairie. These kids are AMAZING. The subject matter and frankness make me blush.

I think we discover shows when we need to. Fumbling across the dial I started with the first season of the second generation of the show. Apparently, save a few characters after the second season of the first generation they completely recast. I look forward to going back and watching the first 2 seasons but for right now I am enthralled with this bunch from Bristol.

I find myself reliving high school through the eyes of Emily & Naomi. Their story line is deliciously tortuous, it rings completely true of how it feels to be an adolescent and gay, only they get to express it or not express it or get drunk and make out and then freak out!! Genius!!! If I could go back now with the knowledge I have things would have been infinitely easier and I could have saved so much money on therapy. As they say hind sight is 20/20, to bad I has a stigmatism growing up.

Effy, Freddie & Cook make Romeo and Juliet look like a successful relationship. Panda is adorable in her naiveté with conflicted love for both Cook & Thomas who couldn't be different lads. JJ is the over medicated introvert that just wants his two best mates Cook & Freddie to just leave Effy alone, but secretly loves her too. Then there's Katie who is Emily's twin sister (how Shakespearean to throw that little bit in) who after being hit in the head by Effy who is tripping on s'rooms on a over night camping trip tightens her grip on Freddie pulling him father away from his one true love Effy. Effy is one of the hold overs from the first generation and I can see why. This little tart would eat Blake Lively for lunch. She looks about 23 but acts like Glenn Close in Dangerous Liaisons. I love her and hate her all at the same time.

Part of me wants to move to England and start writing in a environment that isn't shackled by convention and the need to regurgitate the same old story lines over and over. But for now this will do...


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