Saturday, December 26, 2009


They want what they can't have just like me.

I have watched the most beautiful women in my life throw themselves at men who may or may not catch them. If they do well then it can go either way, they are either swept up by love or tossed away after a one night stand. Regretfully I have seen more of the latter than the former.

Which begs my question, why?
When a women sets her intent on you it is like a warm breath on the back of your neck. A sparkle in her eye says, "yes, tonight it's you." When that happens at least for me it is like an unexpected bouquet that arrives at the office. An unbelievable gift that needs no COD. She has seen something in me that makes her desire rear up and for lack of a better word "want" me. It's the best feeling in the world next to laughter.

So what puzzles me is the heaps upon heaps of men who toss that intent aside. Who use it up like a wet nap and then proceed on to the next. Is it the urge to spread the DNA amongst the flowers before they are no longer potent? Can that really be an excuse anymore?

I have been passed over so many times for a fleeting chance at some man who shows the slightest of interest. Which is my own fault for only really fishing in the straight ponds. Since lesbians only look at me like I have lobsters crawling out of my ears; I troll where I know that heartbreak lurks but in that rare moment of truth the sweetest gifts are found. None the less I feel that men if they would just pause and give a woman a chance to blossom in the light of love would reap the rewards that they to long for whether they admit it or not.

It's not that hard fellas, really, to make a women love you, it only requires honesty, a sense of humor and a grand gesture. Which really doesn't have to be that grand just a piece of your heart.

I guess I am writing this because I have been the shoulder on which so many of my dear friends have cried buckets of tears over men who just never got it. Who never paused to see them, to stop and say you are more than just a vessel for my relief. You are a person who needs and wants more from me. The art of wooing seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur and that to me is the saddest thing of all.

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