Only, of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, Gossip Girl films on my block.....I live between a Catholic High School and the High School for the Visual Arts...need I say more.
The looky loos are loud obnoxious and frankly remind me that not everyone should breed especially Catholics. On the other hand the film crew is lovely, one making a path for me to reach my apt building was sweet and apologetic. The only thing that would have made my situation MORE bearable would have been a cupcake from Kraft Services.
Production goes all out for this show. When I emerged from my treehouse to greet the day and go to work I nearly stepped into the Limo they were dressing for the shoot. Then when I returned that night I was blinded by lighting that could have doubled for the sun, or was.....

Actor trailers line the street and crew bundled up like ticks about to pop yell into headsets and scurry around like their lives depend on it and they probably do as disembodied voices scream from the monitor tents, CUT!! RESET!!!
Ahhhhh someday soon it'll be just another day at the office for me!! And I will be the annoy-er not the annoy-ee!!
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