Commentary, observation & levity to help release the pressure from living in the city that never sleeps. Together we stand in defiance trussed up in our Urban Girdles...
Monday, May 16, 2011
Rocking Nuptial Fairies!
As I sat in the Kips Bay Movie complex I thought to myself, "never again, just like the holocaust." I will never again GO to the movies. People are awful, seriously awful with their outside voices and rude self serving attitudes. Finding a seat has become as brutal as the Tet Offensive and frankly if arms were allowed I say thin the herd. Most of these patrons need a good bayonet to the rib cage to school them in the fine art of courtesy and decorum, that clearly they lacked learning on the playground. Coupled with the ads for bed bug prevention everywhere makes for an evening of being annoyed by the seen and unseen.
However, Bridesmaids was totally worth running the gauntly of chattering strangers & the impending threat of being infested with the urban hitch-hikers that have all New Yorkers questioning to sit or not to sit. This movie is literally a scream. As in I screamed with laughter as Kristen Wiig and company made their way to the alter. It was clear when and where Mr. Apatow inserted his "gross" out scenes and they served their purpose to insight laughter & quiet communal prayers of, “please dear lord don’t ever let that happen to me,” ultimately they really only dumb down the smart, witty women parading across the screen, but I guess we have to give the boys something to snicker at…
2nd only to the God of Thunder the Maids pulled in $24.5 million dollars this weekend!! Woo-Hoo!! Hopefully Hollywood will continue to green light female driven comedies because they are not only bright, smart, insightful and break the mold but they also make money!! Of course saying this I already know that there will be a scurry to put unfunny, female driven comedies into the market place as quickly as possible. May their failure not bog down the comedy cream that will surely rise to the top. Keep it coming Kristen & Annie!!
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