Last Friday I took off from work. Slept in late, got up, took Kayla for her walk and ended up going to Central Park. We went to Kayla’s favorite romping ground, we ate sticks and rolled down the hillside. All the while jamming in tune with a 3 piece Jazz Band that had set up to play for money. A perfect NYC moment, on our way back to the Magic Treehouse we crossed 5th Avenue and when I looked up at the beautiful building I noticed this….
A basement apartment on 5th Avenue labeled 2 ½.
I stopped cold and was like who the hell lives there?
Hobbits that have gotten rich off the Lord of the Rings coffers???
Maybe retired Ringling Brothers midget clowns (sorry, little people clowns) or maybe it’s just a playhouse for the rich kids whose parents don’t want them getting the Persian rug dirty.
I know that the ½ addresses are very popular in Los Angeles but I’ve never seen one in New York so close to the upper crust. In fact it was in a building just around the corner from where Woody Allen lives. (unless he moved) I watched the Super Bowl in his building once. It was awhile ago when the paparazzi still dogged him.
When my friend and I left the building, one of the guys took my picture, and I was like, "what are you doing?" He said, “You’re going to be famous and I wanna be ready.” I laughed and said, "whatever strange foreign man." He was like, “no really you’re going to be on TV.” Tiffany, my friend, looked at me and said, “well you are hilarious why fight it.”
Who’s fighting??? I know I should be on TV, only I’m not sure how. I hadn't thought about that in a while...I remember his face, the little paparazzo looked like Mario from Nintendo, wonder if his prophecy will still come true? Keep tuning in and find out!
e so almost part of the Photo Phriday revolution, in fact only two little letters away.
I'm tellin' you, "Photo Phriday" is an oft searched phrase and will bring traffic to your blog, and that is why we write, right, for others to read?
I, of course, do it for the attention...
@ Vinnie
but of course, will comply must have traffic beside you!! haha
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