Tuesday, August 18, 2009


This weekend I got a treat. A small gift from the great state of Illinois purchased at the infamous Uncle Fun Emporium. My partner in crime, sister in spirit and in truth, my go to plus one and all round gal pal Madeleine Maby decided to take a chance on the power of the divine or reasonable facsimile there of and bought me Jesus Band-Aids.

Doing her part in the unending saga that is “the baby leg” she thought a little Jesus couldn’t hurt. I mean he did allegedly heal people so why not give his holiness a try on my wounds.

So far so good….leakage has officially stopped. My sock was free of goo this morning as I arrived to work, (knock on wood – clearly I’m not religious or superstitious). This after only wearing the Jesus bandage for two days!! Is it a miracle??? I’m not complaining!!