Monday, August 3, 2009

The Magic Treehouse...90 days and counting.

After my father passed seven years ago I moved from my Williamsburg loft apartment, which I shared with four other friends, into the city. Officially, my first home on my own. Everything I own in the whole world fits into a studio apartment on the Eastside of Manhattan. It’s not much bigger than most people’s garages, but at the time the rent was $1000 and within my budget, so it became what is now known as The Magic Treehouse.

Everyone who comes to the treehouse says pretty much the same thing, “it’s warm, homey, and I could totally live here.” I love that, I love that my friends feel safe and relaxed in my tiny kingdom. That they look forward to my parties, or just to a night of watching Mad Men or an awards show. I’ve had some really amazing times in my small corner of the world. I’ve also had tremendous heartbreak and loss, within those walls that have stood there since 1901. The good and the bad come and go surrounded by too many ghosts who float through my imagination. How many people have lived there, from when it was a single family home to when it was carved up and made into apartments? How many different lives have played out on that hard wood floor? 108 years is a long time, and no matter what happens seven of them will always belong to me.

My tenure there has come to an end. My lease renewal arrived this weekend to reveal a $350 rent hike for a 2 year contract. What was $1000 has now steadily grown into $1800, so Kayla and I must venture out into the world and find a new space to dwell. As of November first I will be living somewhere else, it’s scary, and I’m not sure what will happen, but change is good. I need a good shaking up; maybe I’ve been too domesticated for too long.

So here’s to the Magic Treehouse, thank you for keeping me safe as the city rushes by, thank you for making an orphan feel like the Queen of her own castle and most of all thank you for being a place people wanted to be.

ps- There will be several good-bye parties so keep your eyes peeled for facebook invites….the old girls gotta go out with a bang!!

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