Friday, March 22, 2013

FDA - definition of...

Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size: As much as you can handle
Servings per container: Infinite
Calories: 0           Calories from Fat: 0
Recommended Daily Allowance: Take as needed…
*Percent Daily Values are based on positive attitude and willingness to change
Ingredients: (includes but is not limited to) Star Stuff, Fairy Dust, Mojo, Juju, Wampum, Gobbledygook, Magic, Blarney, Jumblies, Timelessness, Wonder, Smiling w/ Your Whole Face, Bibbidy-Bobbidi-Boo, Fearlessness, Charm, Sim Sala Bim, Joy, Nonsense and an Open & Loving Heart. (also may contain peanuts but NEVER corn syrup)