Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Bachelorette Party

Saturday night we took bride #2 Kristin Price out for her bachelorette party. Ohhhh so much happened…

Let’s start at the beginning, a very good place to start. We went to dinner at a little tapas place called Café Noir and then to a burlesque show called, “This is Burlesque,” at Corio, check out the website it’s fun. Murray Hill hosts and the girls were AWESOME! A polished and professional show that was like 3 hours w/ an intermission.

There were 3 bachelorette parties there (funny how straight girls wanna go see boobies) seriously there were maybe 5 guys there so fascinating to the only lesbian in the bunch. Kristin had soooo much fun. Karl, our gay in tow, made her a Spanish Mantilla with porn on it. It was beautiful and gross all at the same time. Put all the veils to lame shame. Kristin drank Maker’s Mark neat all night and during one rather racy performance turned to me and said, “Brandy I think I’m gay.” One of the priceless quotes uttered through out the night. Another being, “I just can’t get my equipment to work,” again said by Miss Price.

The piece de resistance was when Murray pulled all the brides to be up on stage for a Britney Spears dance off. Kristin went crazy!!! I was like WHO is that??? For all her gyrating she won a Bud Light! Which I drank!!! Then we all chipped in and bought her pasties. Red with tassels. I am so proud of her that she has finally removed the stick from her ass. (Her words not mine). After the show we went to O’Neil’s for one more splash and then headed home around 1ish….nobody got too drunk or too naked, it was a perfect night for the ladies.

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