Friday, September 3, 2010


Time Warner Cable can suck it. Really, after losing my cable last Saturday night and the 5 subsequent days following I have revisited the permanent "disconnect" from the Matrix. After the season finale of Mad Men in early October of course.

However, during that time I filled the void by watching a few of my favorite VHS classics. WOW! VHS does not hold up after years of sitting on a shelf. The pictures were grainy and the color faded. Why I thought tape was forever I don't know, I guess the AFI really does keep cinema alive and well preserved for future generations.

I'm not a fan of hi-def anything, I want to watch the movie or show not “be” in it. Occasionally it even makes me queasy. DVD’s are by far a better product; they are smaller, if you spill something on them you just wipe it off, scratching seems to be the only nemesis haunting the avid collector. Only, you know there’s something in the wings waiting to take its place. Blue Ray is just an enhanced DVD right? It’s not actually a ray that projects images in your mind.

I will say this though, my VHS copy of Soapdish has the classic continuity flub, of Sally Fields going from heels to tennis shoes….makes me laugh every time so I think I’ll hold onto it.

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