Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hair Raising Idea

Sometimes your heart just says, "no." I thought writing my Christmas memories would be a fun task and a nice archive later to return to, but it simply hurts too much. Revisiting them is just upsetting so I am abandoning this blog assignment to replace it with my usual rambles. 

First up: CANCER!

Cynthia Nixon is bringing Vivian Bearing to the Great White Way. I couldn't be more thrilled. I didn't see Judith Light do it downtown, but I did see Emma Thompson in the HBO version. I'm still recovering. The cancer aside what put me into action to blog was this picture of a bald Ms. Nixon. (click link above) What is it about a bald woman that is so jarring? I don't feel the same way about bald men. Capt. Picard rocks it as does Michael Jordon, I don't think twice. Am I just conditioned to think a woman is "naked" without her hair. As if it's taboo or wrong to be caught without your locks? Or it immediately triggers "sickness" and that face of "are you ok?" I don't know, but I don't like it. Bald should be beautiful for both sexes. My sister shaved her head a number of years ago because she was just fed up with it. The up keep, the way men treated her because of it. She worked a jaunty scarf to the horror of everyone around her.....(by the way this was pre-Britney Spears meltdown). She looked great and it was an amazing and liberating experiment for her. I've always said I would do it at 50, but I am thinking of moving that date up a decade or baldly go where women fear to go!

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