Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Well I ALMOST made it a whole year without a head cold. But just as we rounded into November, I managed to get a sore throat with matching aches and sneezes. Nothing more depressing that an old Queen with a head cold.

To add insult to injury it happened on Friday ruining a whole weekend. The weather has been damp and rainy as hell so it's no wonder I finally got snagged. The only thing I hate about living alone is that there is no one to take of you when you are sick.

Plodding out into the world for soup, tissues, and ginger ale in your sweats and ponytail trying NOT to look like death is completely depressing. Not to mention there is no sympathy or cool cloth for your feverish brow. Obviously this makes me miss my mother. Who was the best at making you feel better even when there isn't really anything you can do for a cold but let it run it's course. Her grill cheese and chicken with stars approach never failed or perhaps it was the kiss on the forehead that did they trick?

Who can say. Those footie pajama days are long gone and now I take solace in a furry belly and wet nose who I know if she had thumbs, Kayla would make me soup & grill cheese.

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