Monday, August 2, 2010


Well it's here August!! Time to dig in and start the lock down, which consists of me staying home and writing, working out, not drinking, and basically being good and focused on me!

Not as easy as it sounds for a professional procrastinator. Any excuse to make bad or wrong choices is what I am good at….ha-ha! Everything and anything is infinitely more important and interesting than doing what is best for me. I’ve been in a perpetual state of life avoidance for most of my existence. Keeping my head down, trying to fly below the radar, pretending to be invisible and garner no attention is a true calling for the shy. Only rearing up on my creative haunches to occasionally tell some jokes, write a blog or podcast. Just enough dabbling in what really makes me happy to satiate my need for attention without fully committing to it as a way of life.

Now it is do or die…take a risk or live in this coma of disconnection. Eeeeee sounds so scary and formidable let’s see if I can force a migration into artistry that lives in reality and not just in my day dreams.


Anonymous said...

girl - you settle, center and make it happen!

Anonymous said...

girl - you settle, center and make it happen!