Thursday, January 31, 2008

Not good...but not bad either.

2008 recently has been serving up some unbelievable opportunities for me. I’m performing more comedy, I’m dating (I know, shocking!!), I got that raise at work; things seem to be turning for the better. Unfortunately, health wise things are going rapidly in the opposite direction. I’ve had the flu/head cold for 2 weeks, my baby leg symptoms have moved into my “good” leg, I’ve lost my appetite and I’m not sleeping. Now other than the baby leg I would look at this as warning signs of Heath Ledger syndrome. No disrespect intended, but until of late I have been a world class eater and amateur insomniac, I mean I am a night person on a 9 to 5 schedule so sleeping has always been problematic but not completely illusive as of late. So what’s wrong with me, so much is going so right why can’t I seem to get it all together at once. Surely once these pesky germs find their way out of my system things will get brighter, I need to figure out what to do about my falling tendons. Achilles was right once you lose them it’s all over. Maybe Eastern medicine has some ideas they love to poke things into your feet.

More happy news, Clive Owen and Naomi Watts were filming a movie on my block. Their trailers right outside my window. For those of you that know the Magic Treehouse you know that my bed is right there practically on the sidewalk. So does that mean we’ve “slept” together. Ok that’s reaching, but delightful dreaming none-the-less. LOL!

Then while walking Ms. Kayla on January 9th as I do every night when suddenly a cab pulled up on our familiar cross street. I then heard an accent not to be believed and when I turned around to see who the hillbilly was accosting my eardrums it was Mr. Clay Aiken. Dressed in white valour sweat pants and a blue hoodie. He was talking on his blue tooth and caring a white plastic bag with unknown contents. Then it happened he saw me seeing him and went, if you can believe it, 3 shades paler. I said, "Take it easy Skipper McGee!" (which is his Manhunt Screen Name-for those of you that don’t know Manhunt is a gay social sex network) That's when the pale burst into Rainbow Red and he scurried quickly into his Residential Suites Apt. I giggled all the way home!!

I wrote to Jonny McGovern the Gay Pimp, my favorite podcaster and told him the story, (since they are the ones that uncovered the Manhunt id name) he was thrilled that his little undercover gay baby “read” miss thing and turned it out for the Gay Pimping Crew. I am currently trying to get my friends Marc and Stephen to help me put out a podcast of our own. I think the format is so much fun and harkens back to the days of what was it called, oh yeah radio. On other creative fronts I am working on two theatre pieces one a dramatic interpretation of the 8min and 15sec LOST series run down currently posted on for all those who need to catch up. Frankly, it’s genius and needs to be brought to life with interpretive dance. Then my cohorts in crime Chan Harris and Jacob Toth are working on a full musical production of a show destined to change the old, worn out face of Broadway, mark it people as soon as it’s written so will it be done! LOL!

Yeah things are great, if I could just walk without pain and sleep I’d be golden.
So, February, bring it grrrl, let’s keep this ball rolling!!!

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