Wednesday, October 8, 2008

8 Crazy Nights!!

Out of the month of October I will work a total of 14 days. Seriously, the High Holy Days all fell in the middle of the week which makes Brandy, the faux Jew, a happy girl indeed. Since the summer came and went with me NOT going anywhere, but Atlantic City for Vinnie’s 40th Birthday Gaming & Buffet Festival, I am looking forward to the coming week like a kid right before Christmas. I have a show on Saturday night, I plan to take Kayla to the park as much as possibly, I’m dusting off the old bicycle and taking the much improved baby leg for a test drive. The Biggest Loser has shown me that I might not be that fat yet, but it is possible so being “scared” skinny is gripping me into much needed action.

I also plan to focus on a few projects that have gone to the way side of late that need tending to.....A room of one’s own with Oscar Wilde as my muse might push forth something worth while that can be submitted for polite yet encouraging rejection letters.

October is one of my favorite months, not only is the crisp air and hot apple cider at every turn but it's time for the gayest of all holidays. HALLOWEEN! My costume has been in my mind for months, and I need to procure only a few items to pull it off, so now before the stores get too stressed I will go out in search of my master pieces that will transform me into a hideous creature indeed.......mwwhahahaha!

The first signs of the haunting season popped into view early this week, on my way to Anthony’s Birthday party at Bamboo 52!! I saw my first pumpkins. Small yet adorable behind bars they called out to me.

So much nicer than the squashed candy corn I saw this morning while walking the dog. I was sans camera but in all honesty it was too gruesome a sight to record pictorially. Poor little corns.

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