Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rounding third....and having seconds.

As October is quickly coming to a close I realized that I have worked 14 days in the month of October. Seems I could have gotten a lot more done with all that time off, but life has a way of filling up on you. Recently, spending 8 days off was a dream that included a picnic at the Cloisters and a four night culinary adventure with Kathryn & Gypsy who were in town from LA. Gypsy, an executive chef, flew in from the coast to shoot a new game show for the Food Network called "Chopped," a sort of mini Iron Chef. We ate at four unbelievable restaurants with various friends and were treated like rock stars by the staff and chefs of said eateries.

A highlight was being ogled by Joel Grey; yes Cabaret Tony Award winning Joel Grey, who was momentarily mistaken for Ron Rifkin but was so blown away by our collective beauty that he had to mention it to the chef who promptly reported to us how hot we were. It's good to know people who KNOW people. LOL.

I was surrounded by this amazing circle of women who have known each other for years, formed and performed together in their theatre company known as Ateh. They permeate my universe thru the power of facebook and beyond, I feel like maybe if I stay sans “partner” being alone won’t be so bad. Overall, I do have a very large and impressive group of friends. Collecting only the finest of individuals their light and love has been life saving in the face of the progression of my existence on this big blue marble, to say the very least. However on this particular occasion with these particular friends I had moments of sheer happiness from just being, breathing in, breathing out, passing the salt, making a joke, taking “in” life at it’s very basic elements made this weary heart feel lighter.

That old assumption that if you get a group of diverse women together they will eventually turn on each other is horse hockey. Surely thought up by a man and perpetuated by our human need for carnage, the death matches of Rome now replaced by the ever probing celebrity riddled covers of popular magazines, could not be further from the truth. I stood back from these ethereal women and just watched on more than one occasion how they treat each other. Their subtle interaction and reaction was at the very least comforting and at the other end completely intoxicating. Love comes in all forms and is shown in a myriad of ways for me it’s the tiny things that get me the most.

Perhaps, a throw away moment that no one really sees or acknowledges would be missed subconsciously if left out. The web of these small gestures, hold us together. Not everyone gets the sweeping romance, or life long soul mate who spackles in your cracks and reminds you that you are beautiful, safe and forever loved. That’s only for movies and novels that have the luxury of being scored and rewritten. The reality is that we all need to be reassured that we are important, that we matter, that our love matters. Finding that out over dinner made the oysters that much sweeter and this diner a tad bit more secure in her place at the table.


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