Monday, February 23, 2009


Over the past two and a half years I have been sick, operated on, physical theraptized, x-rayed, tested, had asthma attacks that would stop a rhino, coughing fits on the street and at my birthday party (suck!) and now can not seem to kick this head cold that I am now thinking is a sinus infection. I have also thought I have had lupus and polio at varying intervals.

The last time I felt healthy and strong, I was 80lbs lighter and on my way to my dream body and frankly my dream life. However, here I am on the 2 year anniversary of my surgery with a baby leg that still needs a band-aid cuz it's STILL bleeding.

Bitching and complaining about my health is now not only boring the crap out of me but I feel like I'm possessed by Woody Allen and that's NOT good. So as this milestone passes I am renewed to reactivate my life. To push and work what's left of me into what I want to be and not be held hostage by the baby leg any longer. It's going to last PT session was so painful I finally feel remorse for every chicken bone I've popped from heavenly deep fried sockets.

This week, I make plans for the assault, if I learned anything from losing weight the first time is you have to plan and prepare or else you fail. I promised myself that I was going to get it all in 2009 and it's time to put things in motion so that next year I won't be marking this day with regret and frustration.

Viva la revolution! Viva la Brandy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

get better bitch!