Thursday, March 27, 2008

I am tired, are you?

You wanna put me in a box?
You wanna figure me out?
You wanna put me in your life, but keep me as far way from your daughters as possible?
I am not your friend. I am not your enemy. I am me.
Free. Alive. Numb. Through corporate brainwashing. Buy this spend that, only I know.
I know what is real. I know what I feel, you can't put that in your marketing price point.
Cuz man, I am free.
Cole, Noel, Allen, Eddie, Jack they all had the words and yet there is not a mouth for me.
i suckle at the tit of discontent and NO one has a word for me.
I have the tits.
I should have the power.
I don't.
Rewind. Return back to a time that might hear me. Wait. No one will hear. No one wants to hear reason.
That's why.
Blink Blink is the cursor...daring me to say more. Do I dare? Do you?
Panic establishment, panic, for I am coming for you....we all are coming for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An anti-establishment protest poem!?!

That'll really stick it to man!

You go Riotgrrl!