Thursday, January 27, 2011


The “Weekender” Cast got together last night to support our super talented director, Paul Urcioli, as he put on his acting hat and shook his jelly in the new play Point Last Seen. The snow had been pretty steady all day, but the streets and sidewalk were still passable. So getting to the Atlantic Theatre Company was easy, getting out well……

As per the usual, we headed to one of our favorite pubs, The Crooked Fork, for some post show libations. Things were merry indeed until we heard a banging sound and looked out side to see gale force winds whipping the snow back and forth. You know like Willow Smith's hair. When we emerge an hour of so later, the streets where gone, nothing but white and the snow still falling. No cabs to be found we headed into the subway with one side trip on the Q to no where (thanks Neptune!! lol) the trip got me back to the Eastside and I started my stumble home....and stumble I did. I took these pictures in case I fell and couldn't get up, so that when they finally dug up my body they would at least know the power of THUNDER SNOW!!!!

Finally a snow fairy left a trail home...but as you can see it only got me so far.

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