Monday, June 27, 2011

Sandy, Sexy Visions Fluttering by...

On occasion I see in my minds eye the video of a song that grips my imagination. My current obsession is Lady Gaga's, "Americano". AMERICANO - Lady Gaga She describes the record as "a big mariachi techno-house record, where I am singing about immigration law and gay marriage and all sorts of things that have to do with disenfranchised communities in America".

As a kid I was mesmerized by old movies a gift from my mother and the lazy Sunday afternoon. This song immediately brought back in glorious Technicolor Tyrone Power & Rita Hayworth in Blood & Sand. While bull fighting is not something I support in anyway, it is one of those dangerous taboo's that is fraught with sexual tension. Between man and beast, between the matador and the crowd, so I see this updated love story playing out on the sands of some dusty forgotten arena. The costuming alone is making me quiver with excitement & possibility which is odd considering I only shop at Old Navy. I also think Eva Mendes should play Lady Gaga’s love interest, “I met a girl in east LA, In floral shorts as sweet as May, She sang in eights in two-bar chords, We fell in love, but not in court”.

So I'm just putting it out part of my video wish list.
I’m also available for consultation on tracks 6 & 7.

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