Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dear Santa,

I know it's early but I know exactly what I want for Christmas already. I'd like the United States of America to get behind the National Endowment for the Arts and place permentally a National Theatre for the people.

We are the only major power NOT to have such a forum for the dramatic arts and its a pity considering what they are doing across the pond.

For example, the National Theatre in London will premiere a new play by David Hare entitled The Power of Yes: A dramatist seeks to understand the financial crisis.

According to press materials, on "15 September 2008, capitalism came to a grinding halt. As sub-prime mortgages and toxic securities continued to dominate the headlines, the National Theatre asked Hare to write an urgent and immediate work to be staged this autumn that sought to find out what had happened, and why.

"After meeting with many of the key players from the financial world, he has created this work, which is described as 'not so much a play as a jaw-dropping account of how, as the banks went bust, capitalism was replaced by a socialism that bailed out the rich alone.'"

Imagine that, a play commissioned by the state to help explain the mess that they've gotten us into...fantastic. Rocco Landesman if your reading, get on it!!

Oh and PS - The Kennedy Center doesn't count!!!


Anonymous said...

Santa says, "As you wish..."

Brandy w/a Y said...

Huzzah Santa!!!