Thursday, August 6, 2009

This week so far...

The beginning of the week started badly.

I couldn’t sleep the night before and was so full of PMS that it caused me to cry at work. Which I hate!!! I did it quietly in my cube and I don’t think anyone noticed. Hormones are exactly that, whores, they spin you around emotionally and slap you into wanting to run into traffic. I’m a recovering Catholic with body issues, I’m emotionally abused enough this monthly parade of crazy does not help.

However the thing that pulled me out of this wretched state was a small but oh so big comment from a colleague who popped by my cube to say, “I read your vacation blogs and you are a really good writer.” It made me so happy that I almost didn’t need the afternoon’s dose of Midol, let’s not get crazy I took it and god bless them for making a jumbo bottle.

The universe is constantly reminding me that I am not spending my life in the manner that I should be, what does Oprah say we should be doing? “Living Our Best Life” I have always been a creative soul and spending my days in a cube working at a not for profit, while helping the world indirectly is awesome, it isn’t helping me at all.

I’m definitely writing more, working on jokes trying to get back to where I used to be as performer. It’s not easy, but the unsolicited encouragement is just what I needed. Thanks universe keep it coming!!

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