Thursday, August 7, 2008

Brandy is Friday on Thursday.

I’m taking tomorrow off so I won't be able to post my Friday picture on Friday: I like to blog at work to help keep my mind off the fact that I am at work. So kids you get the picture one day early. I decided I deserved a vacation day, coupled with the fact that I partied hard last night, thank you Valerie!! And tonight it's off to Queens to play with Julia, Madeleine & Sarah (a dear friend of theirs from Chicago, who’s here for the Del Close Marathon!!! Let's hear it for the Improv Nation) Plus others who satellite around our friend filled universe. But there does seem to be a focus on me meeting Ms. Sarah. I feel a funny-off in the works. Which thrills me to no end, I love playing, “I'll see that funny and raise you a chortle.” Hours of fun, food, drink and other treats a wait so a vacation day was definitely in order to hasten recovery and reflect on the State of my Union, which is in desperate need of a surge of “Happy Days” in this recession filled climate.

Christ is this what the 70’s were like? No wonder everyone was high and swinging: Waiting in lines at the pump for gas, overpriced food and a feeling of being completely powerless as the country crumbles, sucks. At least this is what I am feeling, could we get to the bouncing back part a little quicker, this election will dictate the economy for sure so let’s hope we ALL make the right choice…..

Obama you Republican f*cktards (my new favorite curse word) is the only ray of sunshine please, please, please bring back those halcyon days of Clinton in the White House. The worst thing that happened was he got a BJ and that’s all we heard about for months. Remember the unending Lewinsky jokes, in fact Jay Leno still throws one in every now and then….hasten thee May 2009 so NBC can retire the chin and bring Conan to the us at a reasonable hour. Now there’s a thought Obama/ O'Brien ’09!!! Now that’s a ticket! Black and Irish the Wasps would just die! We’d be the coolest country in the world again instead of the oil guzzling war monger that makes me embarrassed and less patriotic everyday.

I read an article on the latest production of HAIR that’s currently running in Central Park. They talked to a bunch of people who had seen the original and had come back to maybe relive there Aquarian Summer. This particular exchange about the relevance of the show now in respects to Viet Nam and Iraq wars, really got me thinking:

“In some ways it was very uplifting and in some ways very depressing,” Mr. Darrell Friedman said of the evening’s performance in Central Park, because now there are no protesters in the streets. Gail Furman, who also saw the original, shared his sentiments. “I actually was crying as I was sitting there,” she said. “I was thinking of the young men and women dying in Iraq, and no one is saying anything.”

The government and the media in my mind have kept us from really caring. Remember they used to talk about the soldiers that got killed on the Today Show every morning, talking with their families, who shared their love for their sons and daughters making them tangible REAL people. Now all we get is the ever increasing number. No footage of the bodies coming home, they’ve insulated us from the reality. Pain at the pump is the only thing that people seem to feel. It all just feeds into the powerlessness of not being in control of OUR country. It is ours you know. Not the Republicans not the Democrats, its WE THE PEOPLE, not WE THE PARTY. We used to dump tea and rise up against imperialism. Now it’s come home to roost and we’re making a bloody mess. Ugh, well I’ve run off on a tangent of ten dollar words and ideas.

But that’s why I’m taking tomorrow off….Have a good weekend ya’ll!!

In a perfect world can't we just all get along....and saving the planet wouldn't hurt either.

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