Friday, September 18, 2009

Whitney & Oprah!

Ok was it me or at the end of Oprah's interview with Whitney, at the famed Town Hall in NYC, were they about to make out? I mean Whitney did teach Oprah about the advantages of lacing your pot with cocaine and they both did pray on the impending interview before it actually took place. Sending I love you vibes out to each other between floors of some Manhattan high rise. Sounds like the makings of a Lesbo Lovefest to me!! Gayle must be seething!! I mean she did ride with Oprah all the way to the airport to make sure she got every little detail of the O/W encounter....whatever the case I was moved.

I didn't buy all of what Whitney was saying but I am glad she's out of "whatever" was straining her spirit. Whether it be Bobby or drugs, or the evil eyes I'm just glad she's back, the voice of a generation sounds a bit worse for wear but her new anthem just gets me where I live.

"I Didn't Know My Own Strength" makes me wonder if I have enough left to get me to where I need to go. Which at this moment in my life is uncertain. I have a lot of adult decisions to make in the coming weeks and frankly I'm not sure which will be the best for me. I've tried to open myself up, be quiet and listen to my angels but they seem to be on holiday. Maybe I'm really on my own now. I have to remember what I do is for me not anybody else.

I've been wearing my Mother's wedding ring and my Father's dog tags. Trying to glean any mojo or wisdom that might spark my mind in the right direction. Like Gloria Vanderbilt I feel like a little girl lost. Nothing seems clear however no matter what happens in light of the decisions I make, I will survive a'la Gloria Gaynor. I wasn't built to break and if I haven't broken by now chances are I'll hold it together.

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