Thursday, February 18, 2010


Who knew I would fall head over heels for Snowboarding this Olympic season!! I don't know if I like the halfpipe or the snowboard cross better. Probably the snowboard cross, because I think all that spinning in the air would just make me vomit. However catching air like that must be a thrill, I could probably handle straight airs they seem basic enough and everyone knows how I love to strike a pose. lol.

I never had any inclination to try skiing, as a kid I loved ice skating, and sledding but the idea of skiing was too X-treme!! lol! Then poor Natasha Richards had her accident and I was HELLS TO THE NO, skiing will not be happening unless I'm wrapped in bubble wrap. Yet that flying monkey sport is rocking my jelly. Something about snowboarding has captured my imagination, or my peter pan syndrome to stay forever young, maybe it's because I always wanted to learn how to surf but hate salt water, sand & shark attacks.

Plus who doesn’t love a sport with nicknames and killer uniforms, Ralph Lauren working the plaid and baggy airborne jeans!!! Love it!

I think it's officially going on the bucket list. Yup...there is goes right on the list!!

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